Student Success Services & Learning Centers

The Student Success Services & Learning Centers at Lincoln University are committed to building a culture of academic excellence on our campus. Using a student-centered approach, the Office of Academic Affairs and the Division of Student Success (including select academic departments) provides learning assistance and opportunities to all Lincoln students. Our work utilizes best practices based on published, peer-reviewed evidence, ongoing systematic assessment, collaboration, and alignment with the academic curriculum, current technologies, cultural competence, and an appreciation for diverse learning abilities.

Our services include:

Our office is also home to the Writing and Reading Center (WRC) and the Math Learning Center (MLC). However, these operate under the English (Language and Linguistics) and the Math Departments. These two centers provide academic assistance to students enrolled in English and math courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers.

Contact Us!

Lincoln University Academic Support
Wright Hall, Second Floor Reception Area

Fred-Rick L. Roundtree
Assistant Provost and Dean of Student Success Services
Phone: 484-365-8040
Wright Hall Room 214

Shirley M. Quillin
Program Assistant, Academic Support, Division of Student Success
Phone: 484-365-7627
Wright Hall Room 202

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